
Transmiratours is proud to report on the actions that strengthen our sustainable commitment to the environment to future generations by promoting sustainable tourism.

Environmental commitment:

  • Recycling Program: All cans and bottles that are generated from services provided in our transports are collected and classified in our facilities by the Association Renacer Tempisqueño with the aim of obtaining funds to finance their expenses.
  • Donation garbage cans: Empty containers of oil product consumption of our units are converted into garbage cans are that donated to associations of community development to be located in parks and schools.
  • Oil waste treatment: Burned oils are collected by our supplier who subsequently take it to CEMEX, where it is used as an alternative fuel.
  • Reforestation Project: As part of the mitigation of our carbon emissions have been destined 15 hectares of the farm of the company for reforestation, planting more than 8,000 trees of precious woods and this year changed 3 km of fence the farm for a living fence where 15000 bushes were planted.
  • Cleaning products environmentally friendly: In the cleaning of our offices as our transportation units, we use certified suppliers such as Florex y Diproesca.
  • Blue flag: Currently the company is in the process of implementation and evaluation.

Social Responsability:

  • We support the development of communities with limited resources and encourage environmental education.
  • We have signed the Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children and Adolescents against Commercial Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism in compliance with Costa Rican law.

Blue Flag

Bandera AzulOur company is oriented on working under a philosophy of social and environmental responsibility for the benefit of present and future generations, achieving this year get the award Bandera Azul Ecológica (Ecological Blue Flag)

This program rewards effort and volunteer work in the pursuit of conservation and development, in accordance with the protection of natural resources, the implementation of actions to address climate change the pursuit of improved hygienic sanitation and improvement of the health of the inhabitants of Costa Rica.

Taking into consideration the nature of our business our award corresponds to the category of Climate Change aimed at achieving corporate environmental responsibility, within a framework of sustainability. The purpose is to promote the effects of climate change, through a management integral socio-environmental, from the execution of projects and activities that allow acquiring knowledge, raise awareness and trigger actions to reduce consumption and its measurement in order to offset the environmental impact caused by our activities.

Call Us

Phone: (506) 2667-8707
Sales: (506) 8408-3161
Operations 24/7: (506) 8886-3598

Write to us

Skype: ventastransmiratours
Ventas: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Reservas: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Transmira Tours